Session Descriptions

Flutes for Vets

Ross “Rusty” Orvik
Commander, US Navy (retired)

Flutes for Vets ( is a non-profit which brings together Veterans through Native American Flute music. Veterans receive free lessons and the opportunity to earn a free flute. Classes are held in-person and remotely on the 1st and 3rd Sunday, 1300 Arizona time (MST) at American Legion Post 36 in Tucson. In-person classes are held weekly at the Warrior Healing Center in Sierra Vista. Contact Flutes for Vets for more information and to get the remote session link.

Aspects of Spirituality During Suicidal Ideation and Prevention

Troy Parson , Supervisory Chaplain
Southern Arizona VA Health Care System (SAVAHCS)

1. Characteristics of Spiritual Crises often associated with suicide.

2. Utilizing Chaplain Services for complementary treatment care and additional patient care resources.

Keep It Secure

Kady Walker, LCSW, Suicide Prevention Coordinator
Southern Arizona VA Health Care System (SAVAHCS)

How to identify a suicidal crisis, what is lethal means safety and lethal means counseling.

Prescott VA’s Suicide Prevention Poker Run

Karen White, BSN, LMSW, Suicide Prevention Case Manager
Northern Arizona VA Health Care System (NAVAHCS)

Recap of the NAVAHCS Inaugural Suicide Prevention Poker Run, and outcome of this event designed to bring awareness and support for Suicide Prevention among Veterans. This was a motorcycle ride employing VA S.A.V.E. training and poker to win cards at each stop for a final poker hand at the end, and to win prizes. There were five stops in total, and the Veteran with the highest poker hand and the lowest poker hand were given gift certificates to Texas Roadhouse. All participants received suicide prevention T-shirts, semi-colon pens (a symbol of a continuation of life), and tote bags with the S.A.V.E. logo.

What is PTSD? Presentation & VA Overview of Tribal Services - Dine' Veterans and Ceremonial Healing

Dino Haley, Social Worker
Phoenix VA Health Care System (PAVAHCS)

Mark Godwin, LCSW, Senior Social Worker (PTSD)
Northern Arizona VA Health Care System (NAVAHCS) c/o Chinle Comprehensive Health Care Facility for Indian Health Services

In the beginning of this session, we will define PTSD, who can experience it, and how it affects a person physically and emotionally. Then we will learn about Dine' ceremonial philosophy and healing practice as a whole system approach to health and wellbeing which is available to one and all at the PVAHCS! Anyone and everyone can attend: Veterans, non-veterans and all who are interested. The ceremonial traditions serve as the preferred health care support initiative for treatment. Healing principles and properties within these traditions restore the disruption in the Dine' life journey to establish strength and wellness. All are welcome to take part! Find fliers and more information in the Resources section for the Summit.

Vet Center Services & Native American Communities

Veronica Duncan, Vet Center Director
RCS Independent Outstation Coordinator for San Carlos, Navajo, and Hopi Reservations

Keith Hamblin, Outreach Specialist
Tucson Vet Center RCS

Amelda James, Veteran Outreach Program Specialist
Tribal Outstation-Vet Center (AZ, NM and Southern UT)

Vet Center Program Working with Native American veterans in rural communities.

Overview of VBA Benefits and Services

Michael Watson, Ph.D., VBA Representative
Phoenix Regional Office

How to apply and receive status updates of Veteran claims submitted to the Department of Veteran Affairs. Topics to be discussed: Various types of claims, and benefits the Department of Veteran Affairs offers to include education, home loans etc. Updated information on the new conditions recently added as a result of the PACT ACT.

VA Peer Support

Robert “Buzz” Hickox, Lead Peer Specialist - Suicide Prevention Outreach
Southern Arizona VA Health Care System (SAVAHCS)

In VHA, Peer Specialists augment many different treatment modalities. They range from HUD-VASH to Primary Care to Suicide Prevention and many other disciplines in mental health. Peer Specialists, who are all Veterans with lived experience, provide a much needed service to Veterans who are going through some of the same problems as the Peer Specialists have had themselves. Peers model what recovery looks like and sets the example for others to follow.

Tribal Roundtable

Veronica Duncan, Vet Center Director
RCS Independent Outstation Coordinator for San Carlos, Navajo, and Hopi Reservations

Amelda James, Veteran Outreach Program Specialist
Tribal Outstation-Vet Center (AZ, NM and Southern UT)

Shawndin Tracy, Facility Rural Health Coordinator
Phoenix VA Health Care System (PVAHCS)

Lorae Homana Pawiki, Tribal Government Specialist, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Office of Tribal Government Relations

Dino Haley, Social Worker
Phoenix VA Health Care System (PAVAHCS)

Andrew Taylor, Rural Health Coordinator
Northern Arizona VA Health Care System (NAVAHCS)

The VA Office of Tribal Government Relations (OTGR) is a 6-person office, established in 2011, staffed by a Director, Executive Assistant to Director, and 4 regional Tribal Government Specialists. Each Specialist covers a portfolio of tribal governments in specified States. VA OTGR goals are:

1. Facilitate the VA Tribal Consultation Policy: “Don’t make decisions about us without us.”

2. Engage in activities that promote increased access to health care and benefits for Veterans living in Indian Country (and urban areas)

3. Facilitate economic sustainability for Veterans living in Indian Country (and urban areas).. VA OTGR works with 3 VA administrations (VBA, VHA, NCA) and VA Central Offices as well as with 574 federally-recognized tribal governments.

VA Home Loan & Native American Direct Loan (NADL) Program Updates

Juan Morales, Regional Loan Center
Phoenix VA Regional Office

This session will give an overview of the VA Home Loan program with current updates, as well as describing the Native American Direct Loan (NADL) program and how to take advantage of this benefit.